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As Principal Investigator

Worked as a Principal Investigator for a Major Research Project entitled “Design and Development of a Web-Based Directory of Aerospace Scientists in India” funded by DRDO-Aeronautics Research & Development Board (AR&DB), Ministry of Defence, Govt. of India. The outcome of the project was well appreciated by the Aerospace Engineering communities of India. This acts as a clearinghouse of all authentic research information of Aeroscientist in India. The project was designed and develop on login-based technology.


Worked as Principal Investigator for major research entitled “Design and Developing of a Web-Enabled Directory of the Teachers and Teaching Institutions of Aerospace Engineering in India” funded by Aeronautical Research and Development Board, DRDO, Ministry of Defence, Govt. of India (2009-2012). As an output designed and developed a CMS based Aeroinfo product i.e., “Indian Online Directory of Aerospace Engineering Teachers and Teaching Institutions” as a part program of Major Research Project (MRP) funded by Aeronautics Research & Development Board (AR&DB), Defence Research & Development Organization (DRDO), Ministry of Defence, Govt. of India, worth of Rs. 7.8 Lacks. The project was inaugurated on 11th April 2010 by Dr. VK Saraswat, DG, DRDO, and Scientific Adviser to Raksha Mantri on the occasion of the Annual Function of Aeronautical Society of India (AeSI) at Bangalore.


Worked as Principal Investigator and “Design and developed India’s first online Gateway of LIS Education and Teachers” based on Login Technology funded by Satija Research Foundation for Library and Information Science (SRFLIS) with a mission to provide every bit of information pertaining to LIS education and teachers in India.


Worked as Principal Investigator for major research entitled “Design and Develop a Portal of Library and Information Science (LIS) in India” funded by University Grants Commission (UGC, New Delhi (2011-2014). As an output designed and developed a Login based management information system known as The AILLMIS- All India Libraries and Librarians Management Information System is India’s First Online Gateway to Libraries and LIS professions in India with a mission of the project is to interlink and integrate all the libraries and library professionals from Kashmir to Kanyakumari and Kutch to remote place of northeast states and creating a vibrant virtual network of libraries and librarians in India in order to pool the information infrastructures available in the different stakeholders of each focus areas of libraries




©2024 by Dr K P Singh

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