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Book Chapters (26)

26. SINGH (KP). (2022). भारतीय स्वाधीनता में हिंदी पुस्तकालयों एवं संस्थानों की भूमिका. In स्वाधीनता आंदोलन और हिन्दी. Edited by Rama. Akkshar Publisher and Distributors: New Delhi. P. 112-120. ISBN: 978-93-95014-10-6.

25. SINGH (KP) and GUPTA (Divyanshu). (2022). Unlocking Knowledge through Open Access Platforms - An Exploratory Study. In Libraries and Open Science: Issues, Challenges and Opportunities. Edited by Sharad Sonker & MP Singh. ESS Publications: New Delhi. P. 16-26. ISBN: 978-93-92594-58-8

24. SINGH (KP) and Ansari (Manir Uddin). (2020). Assistive Role of Libraries in Accreditation and Ranking of the Academic Institutions : A Pragmatic Approach. In Quality Assurance and Substance in Higher Education: Role of Libraries. Edited by S. Srikanta Swamy and S C Sharma. NAAC:Bangalore.P41-66.ISBN:978-81-898842-17-7

23. SINGH (KP) and GUPTA (Divyanshu). (2019). Use of e-Resources by Research Scholars: A Case Study of Central Reference Library, University of Delhi, Delhi. In Relevance of Ranganathan’s Philosophy in the 21st Century. Edited by Prof. MP Singh and Dr. Sharad Kumar Sonker. The Book Line Publishers: New Delhi. P. 10-20. ISBN: 978-93-82524-82-3

22. SINGH (KP) and PREETI. (2019). Information Seeking Behaviour of Students in Economics: A Case Study -Festschrift in Honour of Prof. V. P. Khare, Edited by Sonal Singh and others. Shree Publishers and Distributors: New Delhi. P. 600-611. ISBN: 978-81-8329-911-4

21. SINGH (KP), HARISH CHANDER and SHUKLA (Anish). (2017). Library and information science Journals in India: A Qualitative Study. In Knowledge organization, Access and Management in the Digital Environment: Emerging Dimensions-Festschrift in Honour of Prof. K. Somasekhara Rao, Edited by B Ramesh Babu and Others. Academic Book Publishers: Hyderabad. P. 420-428. ISBN: 978-93-5291-671-9

20. SINGH (KP) and SHUKLA (Anish). (2017). Study of Library and Information Science Journals in India indexed in major indexing and abstracting sources worldwide. In SINGH (MP), Ed. Revisiting library profession: Festschrift volume in honour of Prof. B S Nigam. The Book Line: New Delhi. P39-57

19. SINGH (KP), MAHESH CHANDER and SHARMA (Parasmani). (2017). An evaluative study of the Open Access Journals in Geography of Directory of Open Access Journals (DOAJ). In AJIAT KUMAR and Others, Ed. Emerging Trends in LIS Services and Changing Role of LIS Professionals in IT Era: A Festschrift Honoring to the Dr. RK Chadda. GB Books; New Delhi. P.150-157. ISBN: 978-93-83930-66-1

18. SINGH (KP) and MAHESH CHANDER. (2016). Design and Development of a Model of RSS Service for Environmental Science Library. In MALHAN (IV) and others, Ed. Transformation of LIS Education, Libraries and Information Services for Knowledge Society: Essay in honour of Prof. Jagtar Singh- Set of two volumes. ESS ESS Publications: New Delhi. P. 115-125 ISBN: 978-81-7000-801-9

17. SINGH (KP) and MOIRANGTHAN (Esther). (2015). Hundred years (1911-2011) of Library and information Science education: A current and analytical survey of teachers and teaching in India . In Malhan (IV), Chandel (AS) and Satija (MP), Ed. Human Resources Management in Libraries and Information Centers. Satija Research Foundation for Library and Information Science (SRFLIS): New Delhi. P 1-52. ISBN: 978-81-927409-4-2

16. SINGH (KP) and KHAIRAH (Namrata). (2015). Knowledge Management in corporate organisation. In Malhan (IV), Chandel (AS) and Satija (MP), Ed. Human Resources Management in Libraries and Information Centers. Satija Research Foundation for Library and Information Science (SRFLIS): New Delhi. P 317-330. ISBN: 978-81-927409-4-2

15. SINGH (KP). (2015). AILLMIS-Login based online interface for librarians, libraries and vendors in India. In Kataria (Sanjay) and others. Transforming libraries and librarianship: A festschrift volume of late Dr. Harish Chandra. KBD Publications: New Delhi. P 87-94

14. SINGH (KP) and GULATI (Dipti). (2014). Glimpses of Library Movement in Delhi. In Library Movement in India: State Wide Scan. Edubooks Gujrat: P 76-93

13. SINGH (KP) and NARESH KUMAR. (2014). Use of electronic journals by defence scientists in Defence Research and Development Organization (DRDO) labs in Delhi: A study. Festschrift Volume in honour of Dr. T D Tilwani.

12. SINGH (KP). (2014). Use, availability and barriers to information communication technologies in the management institutes: A case study of the selected libraries of Guru Govind Singh Indraprashtha University, Delhi in Emerging Paradigms in Library and Information Science in Honour of Prof N Laxman Rao. KBD Publisher: New Delhi. P 149-164

11. SINGH (KP). (2013). Open access scholarly publishing in Economics: Festschrift in Honour of Dr. A.L. Moorthy. Allied Publisher: New Delhi. P 164-171

10. SINGH (KP). (2012). Library and information science education in India: An account of hundred years (1911-2011). In Karisiddapha (CR) and PADHI (R), Ed., Information Control and Management in Digital Environment: Festschrift in honour of Prof. KC Panda. Atlantic Publishers and Distributors: New Delhi. P 327-341

9. SINGH (KP). (2010). Growth and development of agricultural education and research in India. In Souvenir of National Conference on Knowledge management in the Globalised Era: Lead papers, held at National Agricultural Science Complex (NACS), New Delhi from 21-23rd April 2010. Association of Agricultural Librarians and Documentalists of India (AALDI): New Delhi. P33-49.

8. SINGH (KP). (2010). Agricultural education and research in India. SINGH (KP) and others, Ed., Knowledge Management: Issues and Strategies. U-Day Publishers and Advertisers: New Delhi. P3-19

7. SATIJA (M P) and SINGH (KP) (2010). Classification: A universal constant. HUMAYOON KABIR (S) and SUDHIER (KG), Ed., Confetti of thoughts on library and information studies: Essays in honour of Prof. (Dr.) C. V. Rajan Pillai. Delhi. Author Press. P. ISBN: 978-81-7273558-6

6. SINGH (KP). (2009). Information seeking behavior of visually impaired people: A case study of selected libraries in Delhi. In Vol.1. JAGTAR SINGH, MALHAN (IV) and KAUR (Trishanjeet), Ed., Library and Information Science in Digital Age: Festschrift in honour of Prof. M P Satija. ESS ESS Publications, New Delhi. P102-116

5. KHAIRAH (Namratha) and SINGH (KP) (2008). Knowledge Management in corporate organization. MALHAN (IV) and RAO (Shivarama), Ed., Perspectives on knowledge organization. Scarecrow Press, USA. P 295-307.

4. SINGH (KP) and SHARMA (Anita) (2008). Use and evaluation of library software packages in management libraries in Delhi: A case study. KOTESWARA RAO (M) and others, Ed. Management of E-resources in Academic Libraries. BS Publications: Hyderabad. P. 201-216.

3. SINGH (KP), JAIN (Aarti) and BABBAR (Parveen) (2007). DESIDOC bulletin of information technology: A bibliometric study. RAO (Venkata P), Ed. Vista of information management: Professor HR Chopra felicitation. Wisdom House and Academic Publications: Ambala. P296-308.

2. SINGH (KP) and others. (2004). The emergence of information explosion and its sustainable management. BABU (Ramesha B) and GOPALAKRISHAN, Ed. Vol.1: Information, communication, library and community development: Festschrift in honour of Prof. C P Vashishth. B. R. Publishing Corporation: New Delhi. P 21-32

1. SINGH (KP). (2004). E Learning: opportunities, challenges and implications in LIS profession in digital era. VASHISHTH (CP) and SATIJA (M P), Ed. Vol.1: Library and information profession in India: Reflections and redemptions: Festschrift in honour of Dr. P S G Kumar. Library and Information Profession in India: Reflections and Redemptions. B. R. Publishing Corporation, Delhi. P106-114.



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