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Conference/Seminar Papers (32)

32. SINGH (KP)  and GUPTA (Divyanshu). (2022). Information Resources in Health Sciences. In Proceedings of the International Conference on Infrastructure, Information and Innovation for Building New Bharat. Satija Research Foundation for Library and Information Science (SRFLIS): Delhi, India. P 498-503. ISBN: 978-93-91465-18-6.
31. HARISH CHANDER  and SINGH (KP). (2022). Publication of Punjabi Books: A study of Edition, Volume and Collaboration Pattern. In Proceedings of the International Conference on Infrastructure, Information and Innovation for Building New Bharat. Satija Research Foundation for Library and Information Science (SRFLIS): Delhi, India. P 498-503. ISBN: 978-93-91465-18-6.
30. SAPNA VERMA  and SINGH (KP). (2022). A Scientometrics Study of Author’s Productivity in the area of Food Technology. In Proceedings of the International Conference on Emerging Trends in Library and Information Science During COVID Era. Amba International Publishers and Distributors: Faridabad, Haryana. P 281-295. ISBN: 978-81-952920-9-7.
29. SHEHU (Abdullahi Bala) and SINGH (KP). (2022). A Study on the Application of Information and Communication Technology in the University Libraries of North-Central Nigeria.  In Proceedings of the International Conference on Emerging Trends in Library and Information Science During COVID Era. Amba International Publishers and Distributors: Faridabad, Haryana. P 374-381. ISBN: 978-81-952920-9-7.
28. SINGH (KP) and ANSARI (Manir Uddin). (2021). Content Management in Information Centres: Opportunities and Challenges. In Digital Content Management from theory to action. Ed Mohammad Hassanzadeh and others. Ayande Amoozan -e- Ata Publication: Tehran. P 22-40. ISBN: 978-622-97307-2-0.
27. CHOUDHARY (Prabhat Kumar) and SINGH (KP) (2020). A Tool to Manage Technological Changes in Library Services: E-Granthalaya (eG 4.0). In Academic Libraries: Latest Trends, Challenges, and Opportunities. S.R. Scientific Publication, Uttar Pradesh. P 112-117, ISBN: 978-8188805-778.
26.	VERMA (Sapna) and SINGH (KP) (2019). Research Publications of University of Delhi (2013-2018): An Altmetrics Analysis. In 3rd DLA-SRFLIS Summit 2019: Digital Age Strategies in Information Management for Sustainable Librarianship. Satija Research Foundation for Library and Information Science (SRFLIS), New Delhi. P 459-465, ISBN: 978-81-927409-7-3
25.	SINGH (KP) and GAUTAM (Vijay Kumar) (2019). Web Accessibility of Select Universities and their Libraries: A Study from Persons with Disability Perspective. In 3rd DLA-SRFLIS Summit 2019: Digital Age Strategies in Information Management for Sustainable Librarianship. Satija Research Foundation for Library and Information Science (SRFLIS), New Delhi. P 152-162, ISBN: 978-81-927409-7-3
24.	SINGH (KP), NEGI (Nandi) and PRASAD (Durga) (2019). Research in Library and Information Science with reference to Panjab University and Guru Nanak Dev University: An Analytical Study. In Rethinking Libraries and Librarianship. Bookwell: Delhi. P 212-222. ISBN: 978-93-86578-37-2
23.	JOSHI (JP) and SINGH (KP) (2018). Using consortia-based resources in selected libraries of Delhi NCR. In Relevancy of Mahatama Gandhi’s Vison in Knowledge Management and Digital Libraries Today. Gautam Book Centre: Delhi. P 19-37. ISBN: 978-93-86883-16-2
22.	DEY (Triveni) and SINGH (KP) (2018). Indian Journal of Chemistry Section B: A bibliometric study. In Proceedings of National Conference on ERMED. Digital Health India: A Reality. Allied Publishers: New Delhi. P. 200-220. ISBN: 978-93-87997-16-5
21.	SINGH (KP) and BHATT (RK) (2018). Awareness about the plagiarism: A case study of Jawaharlal Nehru University, Delhi. In International Conference on Digital Transformation: Preservation, Policy, and Privacy. Segment Books: New Delhi. P 699-711. ISBN: 978-93-81513-14-9
20.	CHOUDHARY (Prabhat Kumar) and SINGH (KP) (2018). Core and Collaborative Research Outputs in S&T: A Case study of NSIT. In NIFT-BOSLA National Conference on Modern Librarianship: Opportunity and Challenges. NavVishnu Publications: Ajmer, Rajasthan. P. 511-521. ISBN: 9788193330746
19.	CHOUDHARY (Prabhat Kumar) and SINGH (KP) (2018). Core and Collaborative Research Productivity During 2006 to 2015: Case study of Delhi Technological University. In Developing Smart Libraries: Changes Challenges, Issues, and Strategies. Asian Library Association: New Delhi. P. 439-446.   ISBN: 978-81-9348-251-3
18.	SINGH (KP) and MAURYA (Avinash Kumar) (2015). Google AdWords: A Tool for Effective Internet Marketing. In Proceeding Papers on International Conference Grey to Green-Creating Sustainable Environment through Green Management Librarianship, ICT, Entrepreneurship & Corporate Social Responsibility (SRFLIS): New Delhi. P.577-585
17.	SINGH (KP). (2014). Libraries and Librarians in India: Design and development of a Login-based Management Information System. In Proceeding Papers on International Conference Content to Connectivity- Paradigm Shift in Knowledge Innovation, Information Representation, Information Management Systems, and Librarianship. Satija Research Foundation for Library and Information Science (SRFLIS): New Delhi. P.90-97.
16.	SINGH (KP). (2013). Application of web-technologies in design and development a gateway of LIS teachers and teaching in India: An online reference tool. In New Challenges for Libraries in Internet Age: Proceedings of UGC national seminar held and organized on 20-21st September 2013 by Jalna Education Society, Jalna (Maharashtra). P226-232.
15.	SINGH (KP) and NEGI (NANDI). (2013). Facts, Files, and Figures of LIS Education in India: Entrepreneurship Approach to Designing and Developing a Gateway. In International Conference on – Entrepreneurial Approaches to Librarianship. MANLIBNET: New Delhi. P 135-151
14.	SINGH (KP) and MALKEET SINGH.  (2012). User Perceptions on the Use of Social Networking Sites: A Case Study of University of Delhi. In  SANJAY KATARIA and others., Future of libraries in the digital age. KBD Publication: New Delhi. P104-111
13. SINGH (KP), Baby, and Khanchandani(Vanita).(2012). Building Institutional Repositories in Science and Technology with Open Source Software: A Comparative Study. In International Conference on Trends In Knowledge And Information Dynamics.Vol-II: New Delhi. P758-768
12.	SINGH (KP). (2011). LIS Research: A case study of Department of Library and Information Science, University of Delhi, Delhi In IATLIS 2011: Papers of XXVII National Conference on LIS Education Research and Training, Vision 2020. IATLIS. DLIS, Patiala University, Patiala. P 292-312
11.	SINGH (KP) and GULATI (Dipti). (2010). Comparative study of features and modules of selected library automation software in India.  In National Conference on Knowledge management in the Globalised Era: Lead papers, held at National Agricultural Science Complex (NACS), New Delhi from 21-23rd April 2010. Association of Agricultural Librarians and Documentalists of India (AALDI): New Delhi. P301-308.  
10.	SATIJA (MP) and SINGH (KP). (2010). Knowledge management and Indian tradition: An overview. In National Conference on Knowledge management in the Globalised Era: Lead papers, held at National Agricultural Science Complex (NACS), New Delhi from 21-23rd April 2010. Association of Agricultural Librarians and Documentalists of India (AALDI): New Delhi. P37-42.
9.	SINGH (KP) and GULATI (Dipti) (2010). Learning to E-learning: A paradigm shift in the information age, issues, and opportunities. In Vol.2: International conference on digital libraries held at TERI, New Delhi from 24-27 February 2010. TERI: New Delhi. P894-902.
8.	SINGH (KP). (2009). Web-based knowledge management system: A proposed model for University of Delhi. In National Conference on Digitization & Digital Preservation (NCDDP-2009). DESIDOC: New Delhi. P415-423.
7.	SINGH (KP) and SHARMA (Neeru). ((2008). Information Communication Technology: Application in LIS and opportunities in the modern age.  In Recent technological trends in management and library system: Issues and challenges. Wisdom Publications: New Delhi. P123-144.
6.	SINGH (KP), RAWAT (NS), and SHARMA (Rajeev). (2008). E-Governance: Indian perspectives in the new millennium.   In Recent technological trends in management and library system: Issues and challenges. Wisdom Publications: New Delhi. P75-83.
5.	SATIJA (MP) and SINGH (KP). (2007). Sears List of Subject Headings and Knowledge Organization in the Internet Era. In 53rd All India Library Conference of Indian Library Association. ILA: New Delhi. P531-544.
4.	SINGH (KP) and YADAV (KP). (2005).  Right to information and E-governance: An Indian perspective in the new millennium. In International Conference on Information Management in a Knowledge Society. Calcutta: IASLIC. Vol. II: P.1026-1028.
3.	BHATT (RK) and SINGH (KP). (2005). Digital libraries: Emergence, features, challenges, and opportunities. In Vol.1: International conference on digital libraries held at TERI. 2004. TERI: New Delhi.   P 49-53.
2.	SINGH (KP) and BHATT (RK). (2005).   Electronic commerce and its application in libraries and information centers. In  Harish Chandra, Pichappan (P), and Kundra (Ramesh), Ed. SIS 2004:  Digital Information Exchange: Pathways to Build Global Information Society, 22nd Annual Convention & Conference, held at Indian Institute of Technology, Madras. Society for Information Science: New Delhi. P508-513.
1.	SINGH (KP).  (2002). Online services to bioscience databases. In Pandey (S K 	Sharma), Ed. Electronic information environment and library services: A contemporary paradigm:  All India conference papers of 48th ILA held at NIMAHANS at Bangalore, 22-25 December 2002. Indian Library Association, Delhi. P 44-53



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