118. KARNIKA GAUR & SINGH (KP). E-Resource Utilization among Faculty Members and Reserach Scholars at Jawaharlal Nehru University and University of Delhi . Library Herald. 62 (3) 2024; 384-409.
118. SINGH (KP) and DIVYANSHU GUPTA . Health Science Information System in India: An Inevitable Knowledge Companion for Medical Professionals. Library Herald. 62 (2) 2024; 164-181.
117. KUMAR SANJAY and SINGH (KP). Status of ICT Application/Library Automation in Selected Government Libraries in Delhi: A Study. Journal of Information and Management. 61(2)2024;91-97.
115. SINGH (KP) and MANSI THAKUR. Reserach Output of CYTA-Journal of Food. WE-A Multidisciplinary & Multilingual Peer-Reviewed Research Journal. 5(1)2024;43-52.
115. SINGH (KP). Metaverse: The New Technological Development. International Journal of Metaverse & Virtual Transformation (IJMVT). 1 (1)2024;1-2 (Editorial)
114. SINGH (KP) and SIDDHRATH RAI. Library Herald (1991-2021): A Bibliometric Study. Library Herald. 60(1)2023;77-88.
113. KUMAR SANJAY and SINGH (KP). Centralised Library System (Networking) for Ministerial Libraries of the Government of India to Increase the Usability of Resources: A State-of-the-Art Report. WE-A Multidisciplinary & Multilingual Peer-Reviewed Research Journal. 4(1)2023;1-5.
112. SINGH (KP) and ANSARI (Monir Uddin). Information Products and Services: Marketing Testing and Test Marketing. IASLIC Bulletin. 67(2)2022;67-79.
111. SINGH (KP). Incredable Journey of the Department of Library and Information Science, University of Delhi, since 1946. Journal of Library and Information Science. 48(1-2)2023;9-35.
110. SINGH (KP). Trajectory of the Platinum Jubilee of Library and Information Department, University of Delhi: Setting a New Agenda for Academic Excellence. WE-A Multidisciplinary & Multilingual Peer-Reviewed Research Journal. 3(1)2022;1-14
109. SINGH (KP) and Prateek Singh. Journal of Information System and Technology Management (2018-2022): A Bibliometric Study. WE-A Multidisciplinary & Multilingual Peer-Reviewed Research Journal. 3(1)2022;65-70.
108. SINGH (KP). Hundred Years of University of Delhi (1922-2022): A Glorious Journey from Take On to Take Off. University News. 60(30)2022(July 25-31);1-15.
107. SINGH (KP) and ANSARI (Monir Uddin). Towards understanding Creative Commons Concept for Sharing Information on Public Domain. Indian Journal of Information, Library and Society. 35(1-2) 2022; 132-141.
106. SHEHU (Abudulla Bala) and SINGH (KP). A study of the Application of Information and Communication Technology in the Universities Libraries of North-Central Nigeria. Library Philosophy and Practice (e-journal). 6837. Winter (1-2)2022.
105. SINGH (KP) and SINHA (Nitu). Information Seeking Behaviors of School Students in Delhi: A comparative study. International Journal of Digital Content Management. 2(4)2022; 1-14.
104. SINGH (KP). Relevance of Sri Guru Gobind Singh's Philosophy and Vision in Contemporary Era. Pragjoytika. 1-2(3-4)2021; 133-139
103. SINGH (KP) and POOJA. Citation analysis of PhD theses awarded by University of Delhi during 2016 and 2017 in the field of Zoology. WE-A Multidisciplinary & Multilingual Peer -Reviewed Research Journal. 2(2)2021;1-8
102. SINGH (KP) and SHASTRI (Devashri K). Library and Information Science Education in India: Growth, Development, Problems and Prospects. International Journal of Knowledge Processing Studies (KPS). 1 (1); 2021
101. SINGH (KP) and GAUTAM (Vijay Kumar). Library Services for Person with Disability during CVID19 Pandemic: An Exploratory Study . Indian Journal of Information, Library and Society. 34 (3-4)2021;153-163.
100. SINGH (KP). Role of Ranganathan’s Legacy in LIS Education and Research in India. Library Herald. 59(2)2021; 1-18.
99. SHEHU (Abdullahi Bala) and SINGH (KP). Application of Information and Communication Technologies in Select Private University Libraries of North Central Nigeria. Journal of Indian Library Association. 57 (2)2021;1-13.
98. SINGH (KP) and AHMED (Shahnawaz) (2021). Research Productivity and Research Trends: A Bibliometric Study of Library Herald for the year 1958-1981. International Journal of Information Dissemination and Technology. 11(2)2021; 1-11.
97. SINGH (KP) and ANSARI (Manir Uddin).Making India Healthy and Wealthy through Health Literacy: A Futuristic Model. University News. 59(33)2021(August 16-22);15-25.
96. SINGH (KP) and ANSARI (Manir Uddin).Exploring Research Excellence of the University of Delhi During COVID19 Period: A Scientometric Study. WE-A Multidisciplinary & Multilingual Peer-Reviewed Research Journal.2(1)2021;1-31
95. HARISH CHANDER and SINGH (KP). Lotka’s Law and Author Productivity in Punjabi Language Books. IASLIC Bulletin.66 (1)2021;
94. SAPNA VERMA and SINGH (KP). Modeling the Growth of Food Science and Technology Literature in India. Library Philosophy & Practices (e-journal). 4713; 2021; 1-13.
93. SINGH (KP). Delhi: Glimpses of Libraries and Information Centres. We-A Multidisciplinary & Multilingual Peer-Reviewed Research Journal. 1(1-2)2020;1-21
92. HARISH CHANDER and SINGH (KP). Subject Mapping of Punjabi Language Books: A Bibliometric Study..Annals of Library and Information Studies. 67 (4); 2020; 251-256.
91. GAUTAM (VIJAY KUMAR) and SINGH (KP. Sustainable Empowerment of Persons with Disabilities through Open Educational Resources (OER): An Analytical Study. Journal of Library and Information Science. 45 (1-2) 2020; 1-15.
90. SINGH (KP) HARSIH CHANDER and RAJUL SHARMA. Bibliometric Study of Publications in Conference Proceedings of SRFLIS Summit during 2014-2019. International Journal of Digital Content Management (IJDCM). 1(1) 2020; 9-26.
89. SINGH (KP). A Eulogy: Dr. HK Kaul – A Tribute to An Institutional Builder. Library Herald. 58 (2-3) 2020; 167-175.
88. SINGH (KP). Generation to Generation: Exploring and Describing the Social Diversity and Dynamics of Relationships of Alumni of Library and Information Science, University of Delhi (1946-2020). Library Herald. 58 (2-3) 2020; 36-53.
87. SAPNA VERMA and SINGH (KP). Altmetrics Analysis of Top 100 Food Technology Articles: A Study. SRELS Journal of Information Management. 57(4) 2020; 207-216.
86. HARISH CHANDER and (SINGH (KP). Frontline Publishers of Punjabi Language Books: A Bibliometric Study. DESIDOC Journal of Library & Information Technology. 40(4) 2020; 230-237.
85. SINGH (KP) and ANSARI (Manir Uddin). Mobile Technology in Libraries: A Survey of Periodical Literature Published in Emerald Database. Library Philosophy & Practices (e-journal). 4072; 2020; 1-22.
84. HARISH CHANDER and SINGH (KP). Growth of Punjabi Books (2004-2013). Indian Journal of Information, Library, and Society. 33(1-2) 2020; 40-58.
83. CHAUDHARY (Prabhat Kumar), SINGH (KP), and DURGA PRASAD.
Scientometric Study of Research Publications of Faculty Members of Netaji Subhas University of Technology, Delhi. Mukt Shabd Journal. 9(7) 2020; 1304-1311.
82. SINGH (KP) and NANDI NEGI. Research in Library and Information Science in the University of Delhi (1957-2018): An Analytical Study. SRELS Journal of Information Management. 57(2) 2020; 101-106.
81. SHEHU (Abdullahi Bala), SINGH (KP), and OYIZA (Habiba Ochepa). Present Status of Information and Communication Technology in Nigerian Academic Libraries: A Review of Literature. Library Progress (International). 40(1) 2020; 25-33.
80. SHEHU (Abdullahi Bala) and SINGH (KP). Application of Web 2.0 in Private University Libraries of Northern Nigeria using the Theory of Mannes Library 2.0. Library Philosophy and Practice (e-Journal). 2020; 1-12.
79. SINGH (KP). Professor CP Vashishth: A Multifaceted Personality. Library Herald. 58(1) 2020; 42-47.
78. SINGH (KP) and ANSARI (MANIR UDDIN). User’s Perceptions Towards the Use of Open Access Resources by the PG Students and Research Scholars of the Jamia Millia Islamia: A Case Study. Journal of Library and Information Science. 44(1-2) 2019; 12-23.
77. GARVITA JHAMB, MEERA, and SINGH (KP). Indian Geology Research as Reflected by Web of Science during 1998-2017. COLLNET Journal of Scientometrics and Information Management. 13(1) 2019;37-71.
76. SAPNA VERMA and SINGH (KP). Food Security in India: A Bibliometrics Study. Library Herald. 57(3) 2019; 379-392.
75. SINGH (KP). Design and Development of an Online Directory of Aerospace Scientists in India. Journal of Library and Information Society. 32(3-4) 2019;258-268.
74. SINGH (KP), MANISH KUMAR, SAINI (OP), ANSARI (MANIR UDDIN), and DIVYANSHU GUPTA. 3rd DLA-SRFLIS Summit-2019 – International Conference on Digital Age Strategies in Information Management for Sustainable Librarianship: A Report. Library Herald. 57(2) 2019; 253-290.
73. SINGH (KP). Choice Based Credit System (CBCS) in LIS Courses: Entering into New Vista of Higher Education System. Library Herald. 57(1) 2019; 1-18.
72. SINGH (KP). Intellectual Property Rights: Inevitable for Creativity Protection. Library Herald. 57(1) 2019; 73-83.
71. CHOUDHARY (Prabhat Kumar) and SINGH (KP). A Scientometric Study of NSIT Publications in Science and Technology During 2006 to 2015. Library Herald. 56(3) 2018; 343-354.
70. MALKEET SINGH and SINGH (KP). Role of Web2.0 in Scholarly Communication: A Survey of select Indian Institute of Management (IIMs) in India. SRELS Journal of Information Management. 66(6) 2018; 334-342.
69. TIWARI (Nivedita) and SINGH (KP). Training and Development of LIS Professionals in Management Libraries in Delhi NCR: A study. Journal of Library and Information Science. 43(2) 2018; 193-219.
68. SINGH (KP) and TIWARI (Nivedita). Recruitment and Selection of LIS Professionals in Management Libraries in Delhi NCR: A study. Gyankosh- The Journal of Library and Information Management. 9(2) 2018; 1-13.
67. SINGH (KP), HARISH CHANDER, and SHUKLA (Anish). Library and Information Science (LIS) Journals in India (1912-2016): A Bibliometric Study. International Journal of Knowledge Content Development & Technology (IJKCDT). 8 (2) 2018;69-85.
66. SINGH (KP) and TRIVENY DEY. Bibliometric Study of Indian Journal of Chemistry Section-A: A Bibliometric Study. IASLIC Bulletin. 63(4) 2018; 195-206.
65. JOSHI (JP) and SINGH (KP). A Study of Use and Need of Consortia-Based Resources in Selected Libraries of National Capital Region. Journal of Advancements in Library Science. 5(3) 2018; 71-78.
64. JOSHI (JP) and SINGH (KP). Study of Use and Need of Consortia based Resources in selected Libraries of National Capital Region: A Review Literature. International Journal of Research in Engineering, IT, and Social Sciences. 8(2) 2018; 224-237.
63. SINGH (KP). Historical Glimpses of Department of Library and Information Science, University of Delhi and Remembering the first generation of Teachers and Alumni: Preserving its Diversity. Library Herald. 56(2) 2018; 197-208.
62. NIVEDITA TIWARI and SINGH (KP). Human Resource Development in libraries: A literature review. Library Herald. 56(2) 2018; 242-254.
61. SINGH (KP) and NIVEDITA TIWARI. Human Resource Development with Particular Reference to Human Resource Planning in Management Libraries in National Capital Region in India: A Descriptive Study. Journal of Library and Information Science. 43(1) 2018; 1- 17.
60. SINGH (KP). Annual Account of the Academic and Research Activities (2017-2018) of the Department of Library and Information Science, University of Delhi: A Report. Journal of Library and Information Science. 43(1) 2018; 175-191.
59. CHOUDHARY (Prabhat Kumar) and SINGH (KP). Scientometric study of science and technology publications of Delhi Technological University. Journal of Library and Information Science. 43(1) 2018; 76-89.
58. MANISH KUMAR and SINGH (KP). User Study of Marketing of Library and Science Products and Services by Indian Institute of Technology Delhi Library. Library Herald. 55(4) 2017; 547-567.
57. SINGH (KP) and HARISH CHANDER. Books published in Punjabi: A case study of Bhasa Vibhag, Punjab. Library Herald. 55(1) 2017; 89-100.
56. HARISH CHANDER and SINGH (KP). Publication of books by Sahitya Akademi, Delhi: A study. Journal of Library and Information Science. 42(1-2) 2017; 43-51.
55. MAHESH CHAND and SINGH (KP). Research Productivity in Environmental Sciences. Journal of Library and Information Science. 42(1-2)2017; 119-135.
54. SINGH (KP) and HARISH CHANDER. Publication Output of Indian Journal of Traditional Knowledge: A Bibliometric Analysis. Library Herald. 54(2) 2016; 277-289.
53. SINGH (KP) and MONIKA SINGH. Marketing of Library Products and Services in Select Social Science Libraries in Delhi: A Study of Librarians’ Viewpoint. Journal of Library and Information Science. 41(1-2) 2016; 28-41.
52. TASNIM ZIA and SINGH (KP). Use of E-journals by Faculty Members and Research Scholars in Area Studies: A Case Study of Select Area Studies Centres of Jawaharlal Nehru University. Library Herald. 54(4) 2016; 406-420.
51. SINGH (KP) and MITHILESH KUMAR. Open Access Scholarly Publishing: An Analytical Study of Journals in the field of Library and Information Science Indexed in DOAJ. Journal of Library and Information Science.40(1-2);2015;29-41
50. SINGH (KP), MOVEEN KUMAR, and VANITA KHANCHANDANI. Information Needs and Information Seeking Behavior of Foreign Students in University of Delhi: A Survey. International Journal of Knowledge Content Development & Technology (IJKCDT). 3(2) 2015; 25-43.
49. MANISH KUMAR and SINGH (KP). Marketing of Library and Information Science Products and Services through Social Media: Need of the Hour. Library Herald. 53(4)2015; 432-440.
48. SINGH (KP) and VANITA KHANCHANDANI. Indian Contribution to Open Access Scholarly Publishing in Science and Technology: A Critical Study of Directory of Open Access Journals (DOAJ). Library Herald. 53(3) 2015; 268-283.
47. SINGH (KP) and MALKEET SINGH. Role and users’ approach to social networking sites (SNSs): A study of Universities of North India. Electronic Library. 33(1) 2015; 19-34..
46. SINGH (KP). Demographic characteristics of agricultural scientists in India: A study. SRELS Journal of Information Management. 52(5) 2015; 365-370.
45. SINGH (KP), BEBI, and KAILASH CHANDER GARG. Citation analysis of Ph.D. theses submitted to the University of Delhi in social sciences during 1995-2008. SRELS Journal of information management. 51 (6); 2014; 363-368.
44. SINGH (KP) and BEBI. Characteristics and Characterization of literature used by the researchers in geography: A citation analysis of Ph.D. theses. COLLINET Journal of Scientometrics and Information Management. 8(2) 2014; 1-11.
43. SINGH (KP). Depth schedule for area tables in Dewey Decimal Classification for rendering Indian States and Districts. Library Herald. 53(2) 2014; 182-209.
42. SINGH (KP) and HARISH CHANDER. Research Output in Library and Information Science (1957-2013): A Case Study of University of Delhi, Delhi. Journal of Knowledge Management. 3(1-2) 2014; 19-37.
41. SINGH (KP) and BEBI. Library Herald: A bibliometric study (2003-2012). Library Herald. 52(1) 2014; 19-27.
40. SINGH (KP) and HARISH CHANDER. Publication trends in library and information science: A Bibliometric analysis of Library Management Journal. Library Management. 35(3) 2014; 134-149.
39. SINGH (KP) and BEBI. Application of Bradford’s Law on journal citations: A study of Ph.D. theses in social sciences of University of Delhi. Annals of Library and Information Studies. 62(2) 2014; 112-120.
38. SINGH (KP), TANUJA KUMARI, and JITENDRA KUMAR. Consortium of E-Resources in Agriculture (CeRA): A study of its use, awareness, satisfaction, and difficulties by agricultural scientists. Journal of Library and Information Science. 2014, 38(1-2).
37. SINGH (KP) and HARISH CHANDER. Professional Inclination of Library and Information Science (LIS) Students of India: A study of socioeconomic background and career choice factors. International Journal of Knowledge Content Development & Technology (IJKCDT). 3 (2) 2013; 5-27.
36. SINGH (KP) and MALKEET SINGH. Web 2.0 technologies in libraries: A survey of periodical literature published by EMERALD. Library Review. 62 (3) 2013; 1-26.
35. SINGH (KP) and BEBI. Citation analysis of Ph.D. theses in sociology submitted to the University of Delhi during 1995-2010: A study. DESIDOC Journal of Library and Information Technology (DJLIT). 33 (6)2013;489-493.
34. SINGH (KP). Design and development a gateway of Indian LIS teachers and teaching: A resource of LIS facts, files, and figures. Journal of Knowledge Management. 2 (1-2) 2013; 59-68.
33. SINGH (KP) and MALKEET SINGH. Use of E-Journals by Medical Professionals: A study of Indian Council of Medical Research (ICMR) Libraries in Delhi. Library Philosophy & Practices (e-journal). 810, October 2012; 1-10.
32. SINGH (KP) and BEBI. Use of E-Journals by agricultural scientists: A case study of ICAR libraries in Delhi. Library Herald. 50(2)2012; 160-179.
31. SINGH (KP). Growth and development of agricultural education, research, and libraries in India. DESIDOC Journal of Library & Information Technology. 32(1) 2012; 5-14.
30. SINGH (KP) and DIPTI GULATI. Agricultural Associations in India: A study. DESIDOC Journal of Library & Information Technology (DJLIT). 32 (1)2012; 45-52.
29. SINGH (KP). Information use, satisfaction, and difficulties: A case study of agricultural scientists in India. Library Philosophy & Practices. 7(3); 2012.
28. SINGH (KP). Satkal annual award-giving function and seminar on future libraries. Library Herald. 49(4)2011; 355-358.
27. SINGH (KP) and NITU SINGH. Depth schedule for common auxiliaries of place in Universal Decimal Classification for rendering Indian States and Districts. DESIDOC Journal of Library & Information Technology. 31(6) 2011; 415-430.
26. SINGH (KP) and MALKEET SINGH. Use of social networking sites by the research scholars: A study of Guru Nanak Dev University, Amritsar. Library Herald. 49(3)2011;229-241.
25. SINGH (KP) and NANDI NEGI. Open access and scholarly communication: Role of public-funded research and development organization of India. IASLIC Bulletin. 56(4) 2011; 211-233.
24. SINGH (KP) and DIPTI GULATI. Open Source Software: New Avatars in Pricing Environment. Kelpro Bulletin. 15(2) 2011; 5-16.
23. SINGH (KP), BEBI, and DIPTI GULATI. Technological march from web 1.0 to web 3.0: A comparative study. Library Herald. 49 (2)2011;146-157.
22. SINGH (KP), AARTI JAIN, and PARVEEN BABBAR. DESIDOC Bulletin of information technology: A bibliometric study. SRELS Journal of Information Management. 48(1) 2011; 57-68.
21. SINGH (KP). Library and Information Science Education in India: Options, Opportunities, and Places. News242010.
20. SINGH (KP) and EASTHER MOIRANGTHEM. Are Delhi libraries VIP-friendly? : A case study of the information-seeking behavior and information resources of the visually impaired people. Library Philosophy & Practices. 5 (May) 2010; 1-14.
19. SINGH (KP) and NANDI NEGI. Development online directory: A case study of Aerospace Engineering institutions and teachers in India. DESIDOC Journal of Library & Information Technology. 30(4) 2010;53-57.
18. SINGH (KP), EASTHER MOIRANGTHEM, and NANDI NEGI. Design and development of a web-enabled directory of library and information science teachers in India: A proposed model. Library Herald 48(4)2010; 376-384.
17. SINGH (KP). Knowledge Management: Tools, techniques, and technologies. TECNIA Journal of Management Studies. 4(1)2009; 47-56.
16. SINGH (KP), NEERU SHARMA, and NANDI NEGI. Availability, Use and Barriers to Information Communication Technologies in the R&D Institutions: A Case Study of the Libraries and information centers of NOIDA, India. DESIDOC Journal of Library & Information Technology.29(6) 2009;21-31.
15. SINGH (KP). Universal Decimal Classification and its Use: A Case Study of the Library & Information Centres in Delhi.Extension and Corrections to the UDC (E&C). 30 (1) 2008; 59-65.
14. SATIJA (MP) and SINGH (KP). Mapping of the Universe of Knowledge in Different Classification Schemes. Journal of Library and Information Science.33(1-2) 2008; 3-20.
13. SINGH (KP) and SATIJA (MP). Information Seeking Behaviour of Agriculture Scientists with Particular Reference to their Information Seeking Strategies. Annals of Library and Information Studies. 54 (4) 2007; 213-220.
12. SINGH (KP). Information Seeking Behavior of Agriculture Scientists working in the select ICAR Institutions in Delhi, and the Punjab Agricultural University, Ludhiana: A Study. Library Herald. 45 (4) 2007; 370-381.
11. SINGH (KP). Use Application of Information Communication Technology in the Libraries and Information Centres of the Defence Research and Development Organization and the Council of Scientific and Industrial Research located at Delhi: A study. Herald of Library Science. 45(1-2) 2006; 41-53.
10. SATIJA (MP) and SINGH (KP). India’s Research on information seeking Behaviour of Agricultural Scientists: A Literature Survey. Library Herald. 44 (1) 2006; 50-62.
9. SINGH (KP) and SATIJA (MP). A Review of Research on Information Seeking Behaviour of Agricultural Scientists: International Perspectives. DESIDOC Bulletin of Information Technology. 26 (2) 2006; 25-36.
8. SINGH (KP). Knowledge Management and Challenges to LIS professionals in Electronic Age. Library Herald.43 (2) 2005; 12-22.
7. KARNIKA GAUR and SINGH (KP). Marketing of Library and Products and Services. Library Progress. (International). 23(1) 2005; 115-123.
6. NAMRATA KHAIRAH and SINGH (KP). Knowledge Management in Corporate Organization. Library Progress (International). 25(2) 2005; 193-201.
5. SINGH (KP). Application of Information Communication Technology in the Libraries and Information Centres of the Defence Research and Development Organization and the Council of Scientific and Industrial Research located at Delhi: A study. Library Herald. 42 (4) 2004; 401-408.
4. BHATT (RK) and SINGH (KP). India’s University Libraries: Financial Issues and Funds Raising Strategies. Library Herald. 42 (1) 2004; 39-47.
3. SINGH (KP). E-Journal Portals: A Web Retrieval Tool for Scholarly Communication in Digital Era. Library Herald.41 (4) 2003; 251-258.
2. SINGH (KP). Electronic Information: New Opportunities for Agricultural Scientists. Journal of Library and Information Science. 27(1) 2002; 68-76.
1. SINGH (KP). Automation in Libraries. Library Progress (International). 22 (2) 2002; 91-99.