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Journal Articles (119)

117. KUMAR SANJAY and SINGH (KP). Status of ICT Application/Library Automation in Selected Government Libraries in Delhi: A Study. Journal of Information and Management. 61(2)2024;91-97.

115. SINGH (KP) and MANSI THAKUR. Reserach Output of CYTA-Journal of Food. WE-A Multidisciplinary & Multilingual Peer-Reviewed Research Journal. 5(1)2024;43-52.

115. SINGH (KP). Metaverse: The New Technological Development. International Journal of Metaverse & Virtual Transformation (IJMVT). 1 (1)2024;1-2 (Editorial)


114. SINGH (KP) and SIDDHRATH RAI. Library Herald (1991-2021): A Bibliometric Study. Library Herald. 60(1)2023;77-88.

113. KUMAR SANJAY and SINGH (KP). Centralised Library System (Networking) for Ministerial Libraries of the Government of India to Increase the Usability of Resources: A State-of-the-Art Report. WE-A Multidisciplinary & Multilingual Peer-Reviewed Research Journal. 4(1)2023;1-5.


112. SINGH (KP) and ANSARI (Monir Uddin). Information Products and Services: Marketing Testing and Test Marketing. IASLIC Bulletin. 67(2)2022;67-79.

111. SINGH (KP). Incredable Journey of the Department of Library and Information Science, University of Delhi, since 1946. Journal of Library and Information Science. 48(1-2)2023;9-35.

110. SINGH (KP). Trajectory of the Platinum Jubilee of Library and Information Department, University of Delhi: Setting a New Agenda for Academic Excellence. WE-A Multidisciplinary & Multilingual Peer-Reviewed Research Journal. 3(1)2022;1-14

109. SINGH (KP) and Prateek Singh. Journal of Information System and Technology Management (2018-2022): A Bibliometric Study. WE-A Multidisciplinary & Multilingual Peer-Reviewed Research Journal. 3(1)2022;65-70.

108. SINGH (KP). Hundred Years of University of Delhi (1922-2022): A Glorious Journey from Take On to Take Off. University News. 60(30)2022(July 25-31);1-15.

107. SINGH (KP) and ANSARI (Monir Uddin). Towards understanding Creative Commons Concept for Sharing Information on Public Domain. Indian Journal of Information, Library and Society. 35(1-2) 2022; 132-141.

106. SHEHU (Abudulla Bala) and SINGH (KP). A study of the Application of Information and Communication Technology in the Universities Libraries of North-Central Nigeria. Library Philosophy and Practice (e-journal). 6837. Winter (1-2)2022.


103. SINGH (KP) and POOJA. Citation analysis of PhD theses awarded by University of Delhi during 2016 and 2017 in the field of Zoology. WE-A Multidisciplinary & Multilingual Peer -Reviewed Research Journal. 2(2)2021;1-8

101. SINGH (KP) and GAUTAM (Vijay Kumar). Library Services for Person with Disability during CVID19 Pandemic: An Exploratory Study . Indian Journal of Information, Library and Society. 34 (3-4)2021;153-163.

100. SINGH (KP). Role of Ranganathan’s Legacy in LIS Education and Research in India. Library Herald. 59(2)2021; 1-18.

99. SHEHU (Abdullahi Bala) and SINGH (KP). Application of Information and Communication Technologies in Select Private University Libraries of North Central Nigeria. Journal of Indian Library Association. 57 (2)2021;1-13.

98. SINGH (KP) and AHMED (Shahnawaz) (2021). Research Productivity and Research Trends: A Bibliometric Study of Library Herald for the year 1958-1981. International Journal of Information Dissemination and Technology. 11(2)2021; 1-11.

97. SINGH (KP) and ANSARI (Manir Uddin).Making India Healthy and Wealthy through Health Literacy: A Futuristic Model. University News. 59(33)2021(August 16-22);15-25.

96. SINGH (KP) and ANSARI (Manir Uddin).Exploring Research Excellence of the University of Delhi During COVID19 Period: A Scientometric Study. WE-A Multidisciplinary & Multilingual Peer-Reviewed Research Journal.2(1)2021;1-31

95. HARISH CHANDER and SINGH (KP). Lotka’s Law and Author Productivity in Punjabi Language Books. IASLIC Bulletin.66 (1)2021;

94. SAPNA VERMA and SINGH (KP). Modeling the Growth of Food Science and Technology Literature in India. Library Philosophy & Practices (e-journal). 4713; 2021; 1-13.


92. HARISH CHANDER and SINGH (KP). Subject Mapping of Punjabi Language Books: A Bibliometric Study..Annals of Library and Information Studies. 67 (4); 2020; 251-256.

91. GAUTAM (VIJAY KUMAR) and SINGH (KP. Sustainable Empowerment of Persons with Disabilities through Open Educational Resources (OER): An Analytical Study. Journal of Library and Information Science. 45 (1-2) 2020; 1-15.

90. SINGH (KP) HARSIH CHANDER and RAJUL SHARMA. Bibliometric Study of Publications in Conference Proceedings of SRFLIS Summit during 2014-2019. International Journal of Digital Content Management (IJDCM). 1(1) 2020; 9-26.

87. SAPNA VERMA and SINGH (KP). Altmetrics Analysis of Top 100 Food Technology Articles: A Study. SRELS Journal of Information Management. 57(4) 2020; 207-216.

86. HARISH CHANDER and (SINGH (KP). Frontline Publishers of Punjabi Language Books: A Bibliometric Study. DESIDOC Journal of Library & Information Technology. 40(4) 2020; 230-237.

85. SINGH (KP) and ANSARI (Manir Uddin). Mobile Technology in Libraries: A Survey of Periodical Literature Published in Emerald Database. Library Philosophy & Practices (e-journal). 4072; 2020; 1-22.

84. HARISH CHANDER and SINGH (KP). Growth of Punjabi Books (2004-2013). Indian Journal of Information, Library, and Society. 33(1-2) 2020; 40-58.

83. CHAUDHARY (Prabhat Kumar), SINGH (KP), and DURGA PRASAD.

82. SINGH (KP) and NANDI NEGI. Research in Library and Information Science in the University of Delhi (1957-2018): An Analytical Study. SRELS Journal of Information Management. 57(2) 2020; 101-106.

81. SHEHU (Abdullahi Bala), SINGH (KP), and OYIZA (Habiba Ochepa). Present Status of Information and Communication Technology in Nigerian Academic Libraries: A Review of Literature. Library Progress (International). 40(1) 2020; 25-33.

79. SINGH (KP). Professor CP Vashishth: A Multifaceted Personality. Library Herald. 58(1) 2020; 42-47.


78. SINGH (KP) and ANSARI (MANIR UDDIN). User’s Perceptions Towards the Use of Open Access Resources by the PG Students and Research Scholars of the Jamia Millia Islamia: A Case Study. Journal of Library and Information Science. 44(1-2) 2019; 12-23.

77. GARVITA JHAMB, MEERA, and SINGH (KP). Indian Geology Research as Reflected by Web of Science during 1998-2017. COLLNET Journal of Scientometrics and Information Management. 13(1) 2019;37-71.

76. SAPNA VERMA and SINGH (KP). Food Security in India: A Bibliometrics Study. Library Herald. 57(3) 2019; 379-392.

75. SINGH (KP). Design and Development of an Online Directory of Aerospace Scientists in India. Journal of Library and Information Society. 32(3-4) 2019;258-268.

74. SINGH (KP), MANISH KUMAR, SAINI (OP), ANSARI (MANIR UDDIN), and DIVYANSHU GUPTA. 3rd DLA-SRFLIS Summit-2019 – International Conference on Digital Age Strategies in Information Management for Sustainable Librarianship: A Report. Library Herald. 57(2) 2019; 253-290.

72. SINGH (KP). Intellectual Property Rights: Inevitable for Creativity Protection. Library Herald. 57(1) 2019; 73-83.


71. CHOUDHARY (Prabhat Kumar) and SINGH (KP). A Scientometric Study of NSIT Publications in Science and Technology During 2006 to 2015. Library Herald. 56(3) 2018; 343-354.

70. MALKEET SINGH and SINGH (KP). Role of Web2.0 in Scholarly Communication: A Survey of select Indian Institute of Management (IIMs) in India. SRELS Journal of Information Management. 66(6) 2018; 334-342.

69. TIWARI (Nivedita) and SINGH (KP). Training and Development of LIS Professionals in Management Libraries in Delhi NCR: A study. Journal of Library and Information Science. 43(2) 2018; 193-219.

68. SINGH (KP) and TIWARI (Nivedita). Recruitment and Selection of LIS Professionals in Management Libraries in Delhi NCR: A study. Gyankosh- The Journal of Library and Information Management. 9(2) 2018; 1-13.

67. SINGH (KP), HARISH CHANDER, and SHUKLA (Anish). Library and Information Science (LIS) Journals in India (1912-2016): A Bibliometric Study. International Journal of Knowledge Content Development & Technology (IJKCDT). 8 (2) 2018;69-85.

66. SINGH (KP) and TRIVENY DEY. Bibliometric Study of Indian Journal of Chemistry Section-A: A Bibliometric Study. IASLIC Bulletin. 63(4) 2018; 195-206.

65. JOSHI (JP) and SINGH (KP). A Study of Use and Need of Consortia-Based Resources in Selected Libraries of National Capital Region. Journal of Advancements in Library Science. 5(3) 2018; 71-78.

64. JOSHI (JP) and SINGH (KP). Study of Use and Need of Consortia based Resources in selected Libraries of National Capital Region: A Review Literature. International Journal of Research in Engineering, IT, and Social Sciences. 8(2) 2018; 224-237.

62. NIVEDITA TIWARI and SINGH (KP). Human Resource Development in libraries: A literature review. Library Herald. 56(2) 2018; 242-254.

59. CHOUDHARY (Prabhat Kumar) and SINGH (KP). Scientometric study of science and technology publications of Delhi Technological University. Journal of Library and Information Science. 43(1) 2018; 76-89.


57. SINGH (KP) and HARISH CHANDER. Books published in Punjabi: A case study of Bhasa Vibhag, Punjab. Library Herald. 55(1) 2017; 89-100.

56. HARISH CHANDER and SINGH (KP). Publication of books by Sahitya Akademi, Delhi: A study. Journal of Library and Information Science. 42(1-2) 2017; 43-51.


54. SINGH (KP) and HARISH CHANDER. Publication Output of Indian Journal of Traditional Knowledge: A Bibliometric Analysis. Library Herald. 54(2) 2016; 277-289.

53. SINGH (KP) and MONIKA SINGH. Marketing of Library Products and Services in Select Social Science Libraries in Delhi: A Study of Librarians’ Viewpoint. Journal of Library and Information Science. 41(1-2) 2016; 28-41.


51. SINGH (KP) and MITHILESH KUMAR. Open Access Scholarly Publishing: An Analytical Study of Journals in the field of Library and Information Science Indexed in DOAJ. Journal of Library and Information Science.40(1-2);2015;29-41

49. MANISH KUMAR and SINGH (KP). Marketing of Library and Information Science Products and Services through Social Media: Need of the Hour. Library Herald. 53(4)2015; 432-440.

47. SINGH (KP) and MALKEET SINGH. Role and users’ approach to social networking sites (SNSs): A study of Universities of North India. Electronic Library. 33(1) 2015; 19-34..

46. SINGH (KP). Demographic characteristics of agricultural scientists in India: A study. SRELS Journal of Information Management. 52(5) 2015; 365-370.


45. SINGH (KP), BEBI, and KAILASH CHANDER GARG. Citation analysis of Ph.D. theses submitted to the University of Delhi in social sciences during 1995-2008. SRELS Journal of information management. 51 (6); 2014; 363-368.

44. SINGH (KP) and BEBI. Characteristics and Characterization of literature used by the researchers in geography: A citation analysis of Ph.D. theses. COLLINET Journal of Scientometrics and Information Management. 8(2) 2014; 1-11.

42. SINGH (KP) and HARISH CHANDER. Research Output in Library and Information Science (1957-2013): A Case Study of University of Delhi, Delhi. Journal of Knowledge Management. 3(1-2) 2014; 19-37.

41. SINGH (KP) and BEBI. Library Herald: A bibliometric study (2003-2012). Library Herald. 52(1) 2014; 19-27.

40. SINGH (KP) and HARISH CHANDER. Publication trends in library and information science: A Bibliometric analysis of Library Management Journal. Library Management. 35(3) 2014; 134-149.

39. SINGH (KP) and BEBI. Application of Bradford’s Law on journal citations: A study of Ph.D. theses in social sciences of University of Delhi. Annals of Library and Information Studies. 62(2) 2014; 112-120.

38. SINGH (KP), TANUJA KUMARI, and JITENDRA KUMAR. Consortium of E-Resources in Agriculture (CeRA): A study of its use, awareness, satisfaction, and difficulties by agricultural scientists. Journal of Library and Information Science. 2014, 38(1-2).


37. SINGH (KP) and HARISH CHANDER. Professional Inclination of Library and Information Science (LIS) Students of India: A study of socioeconomic background and career choice factors. International Journal of Knowledge Content Development & Technology (IJKCDT). 3 (2) 2013; 5-27.

36. SINGH (KP) and MALKEET SINGH. Web 2.0 technologies in libraries: A survey of periodical literature published by EMERALD. Library Review. 62 (3) 2013; 1-26.

35. SINGH (KP) and BEBI. Citation analysis of Ph.D. theses in sociology submitted to the University of Delhi during 1995-2010: A study. DESIDOC Journal of Library and Information Technology (DJLIT). 33 (6)2013;489-493.

34. SINGH (KP). Design and development a gateway of Indian LIS teachers and teaching: A resource of LIS facts, files, and figures. Journal of Knowledge Management. 2 (1-2) 2013; 59-68.


33. SINGH (KP) and MALKEET SINGH. Use of E-Journals by Medical Professionals: A study of Indian Council of Medical Research (ICMR) Libraries in Delhi. Library Philosophy & Practices (e-journal). 810, October 2012; 1-10.

32. SINGH (KP) and BEBI. Use of E-Journals by agricultural scientists: A case study of ICAR libraries in Delhi. Library Herald. 50(2)2012; 160-179.

31. SINGH (KP). Growth and development of agricultural education, research, and libraries in India. DESIDOC Journal of Library & Information Technology. 32(1) 2012; 5-14.


28. SINGH (KP). Satkal annual award-giving function and seminar on future libraries. Library Herald. 49(4)2011; 355-358.

27. SINGH (KP) and NITU SINGH. Depth schedule for common auxiliaries of place in Universal Decimal Classification for rendering Indian States and Districts. DESIDOC Journal of Library & Information Technology. 31(6) 2011; 415-430.

26. SINGH (KP) and MALKEET SINGH. Use of social networking sites by the research scholars: A study of Guru Nanak Dev University, Amritsar. Library Herald. 49(3)2011;229-241.

24. SINGH (KP) and DIPTI GULATI. Open Source Software: New Avatars in Pricing Environment. Kelpro Bulletin. 15(2) 2011; 5-16.

23. SINGH (KP), BEBI, and DIPTI GULATI. Technological march from web 1.0 to web 3.0: A comparative study. Library Herald. 49 (2)2011;146-157.

22. SINGH (KP), AARTI JAIN, and PARVEEN BABBAR. DESIDOC Bulletin of information technology: A bibliometric study. SRELS Journal of Information Management. 48(1) 2011; 57-68.


21. SINGH (KP). Library and Information Science Education in India: Options, Opportunities, and Places. News242010.

19. SINGH (KP) and NANDI NEGI. Development online directory: A case study of Aerospace Engineering institutions and teachers in India. DESIDOC Journal of Library & Information Technology. 30(4) 2010;53-57.

18. SINGH (KP), EASTHER MOIRANGTHEM, and NANDI NEGI. Design and development of a web-enabled directory of library and information science teachers in India: A proposed model. Library Herald 48(4)2010; 376-384.


17. SINGH (KP). Knowledge Management: Tools, techniques, and technologies. TECNIA Journal of Management Studies. 4(1)2009; 47-56.

16. SINGH (KP), NEERU SHARMA, and NANDI NEGI. Availability, Use and Barriers to Information Communication Technologies in the R&D Institutions: A Case Study of the Libraries and information centers of NOIDA, India. DESIDOC Journal of Library & Information Technology.29(6) 2009;21-31.


14. SATIJA (MP) and SINGH (KP). Mapping of the Universe of Knowledge in Different Classification Schemes. Journal of Library and Information Science.33(1-2) 2008; 3-20.


13. SINGH (KP) and SATIJA (MP). Information Seeking Behaviour of Agriculture Scientists with Particular Reference to their Information Seeking Strategies. Annals of Library and Information Studies. 54 (4) 2007; 213-220.


10. SATIJA (MP) and SINGH (KP). India’s Research on information seeking Behaviour of Agricultural Scientists: A Literature Survey. Library Herald. 44 (1) 2006; 50-62.


8. SINGH (KP). Knowledge Management and Challenges to LIS professionals in Electronic Age. Library Herald.43 (2) 2005; 12-22.

7. KARNIKA GAUR and SINGH (KP). Marketing of Library and Products and Services. Library Progress. (International). 23(1) 2005; 115-123.

6. NAMRATA KHAIRAH and SINGH (KP). Knowledge Management in Corporate Organization. Library Progress (International). 25(2) 2005; 193-201.


4. BHATT (RK) and SINGH (KP). India’s University Libraries: Financial Issues and Funds Raising Strategies. Library Herald. 42 (1) 2004; 39-47.



2. SINGH (KP). Electronic Information: New Opportunities for Agricultural Scientists. Journal of Library and Information Science. 27(1) 2002; 68-76.

1. SINGH (KP). Automation in Libraries. Library Progress (International). 22 (2) 2002; 91-99.




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